Hello, I am

Olena Remina

Front-end developer based in Cyprus

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The projects I was inspired by
Yogurt project

Yogurt app

The page was built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript using Visual Studio Code. Such HTML elements as h1, h2, p, div, span, strong, em, br, hr, a, img, button were used. Besides the following CSS properties as margin, padding, font-size, font-weight, color, background, line-height, box-shadow, border, transition were used. And also the following JS functionalities as let, if, else, alert, prompt, event were used.

Weather app

The page was built with advanced HTML, CSS and JavaScript using Visual Studio Code and CodeSandbox. Such front-end technology as Bootstrap was used. Axios and live weather and geolocation APIs were integrated. The project is open-sourced on GitHub and hosted on Netlify.

Weather project